On Offense

The point: if you’re offended, let me know that you’re offended so I can stop it or apologize

Worrying over something that didn’t offend you at all

Not worrying but you’re offended, and I didn’t know

  • John Mayer

Everything happens for a reason

The divine reason
The scientific reason
The meaning reason

Everything happens for a Devine reason
– you were out in this world to do something, a calling, a purpose
– perspective that all the world had conspired and worked together in order to create you. To guide you, to make you who you’re meant to be.
– this thinking brings out a faith and assurance. If you know you’re put here for a reason, don’t you think you’d live life a bit different? With a little more respect for yourself? To honor yourself?
– everything is designed for you to succeed.
– It’s something that my religious friends really believe in, so they pour their entire heart and soul to living and appreciating their lives. And they make the world better because of it. The present is designed specifically for them, and they honor that

Everything happens for a reason of cause and effect
– the past defines you., and gives reason
– this thinking brings about grace. Forgivw yourself because you know that it might not be your fault
– in Buddhism, the basic idea of karma is you do good and you get good. You do bad, you get bad. But the thing people forget in this is that the good or bad doesn’t always happen in your life. With the belief of past lives and reincarnation, the bad you’ve done may need to be paid back in the future during your future life. Or you’re paying back for it in your past life. That’s a divine reasoning, but it explains the reason for the present.
– take the religious aspects out and you see that perspective still works in the physical world. There is a reason why you’re broke. There’s a reason why you got great friends. There’s a reason for why you have every result in your life.
– the point of this interpretation of the phrase everything happens for a reason is that you are the effect of a past cause. Your past has determined you, so give yourself grace. You are who you are because of your environment. Chill, and keep going
– It humbles you to say you are just another cog in the machine
– this is

Everything happens for the divine reason of cause and effect
– if the previous interrogation is past to present, this one is present to future, where you are now the cause for the effect in the future.
– it takes the struggle of the present and interprets it as a good for the future.
– this is a more non religious example, but I have a friend has a health issue, and instead of letting it take control of him, he finds the meaning of that pain and moves on with it. Very admirable and something I really respect.
– this interpretation combines the two previous mention to bring forth hope and action. Looking at the future with possibility and reaching for it.

John Mayer Inspiration

When I’m feeling like nothing is going my way, I always go back to John Mayer. His music is so soulful and makes everything so much better. It’s the same with B. B. King. There’s just something about Guitars that are so epic and strikes you in the most profound way.

So imagine when I saw this post on Twitter.

John Mayer almost gave up music for design school. He was sad. He was afraid. He considered himself a failure, but yet he continues on with it anyways.

I’m not sure if it’s the storytelling style that John Mayer has or the way that it’s presented from his lyrical mind. But it hit me like a train. It was what I needed.

Continuum is one of my favorite albums of John Mayer, so I’m so glad that he continued to share it with the world anyways. God bless. I look back at this picture, and I’m like dude. This is fucking wild.

As an honor to this post, I want to share some of my 5 favorite songs in the Continuum album in order of Favorite Songs.

  1. Gravity – Can’t ever get sick of this song. Fucking Great. No words needed.
  2. Slow Dancing in a Burning – I feel the pain of this song all the time, and it makes things so much better. Oh baby. “You try to hit me just to hurt me so you leave me feeling dirty, so i can’t understand. we’re coming down”
  3. Vultures – It was weird at first, but I warmed up to it pretty quickly. It’s a fantastic song that makes me feel so high. Guitar solo sends me to heaven temporarily. I often find myself singing “Power is made, by power being taken. So i do what it takes to protect my reputation” and then into the super fun chorus.
  4. Belief – John Mayer opened his Best of John Mayer tour with this song, I believe, and it literally shocked me to the point where my jaw unhinged itself. It was wild how fantastic John Mayer can make this solo. Fantastic lyricism from him, when he sings “Belief is a beautiful armor that makes for the heaviest sword. It’s like punching in the water. you never quite hit what you’re aiming for” oooh shit
  5. I’m gonna find myself another you – when i was your lover, no one else would do. Holy shit. that’s a fantastic line. I just love everything about it. Thank you god, cuz this song is so good and chill and sad and hits you in all the feels. I freaking love it all together. Whoo. Love it like crazy.

Personal Responsibility vs Fault

There is a big difference between fault and responsibility. Fault is the cause of an issue, relating the past that leads to the present. Responsibility is tacking on a situation headfirst and relates to the present. Responsibility is where it’s at.

Fault and Responsibility

To have fault and responsibility is most commonly associated with each other. This is the most common thing we see on TV and so. It’s your fault, so you have to fix it. You were the one who created the giant monster that destroyed millions of dollars in collateral damage, so you’re the one who has to fix it. The person of cause must rectify their wrongdoings by taking the responsibility required to solve it.

No Fault, but Responsibility

There are some things where you have no fault, but you are responsible for. It may not be your fault that you have a life threatening illness that causes green moss to grow on your skin. You may have been living an incredibly healthy life with a good diet and exercise, but when these cards are dealt, it’s 100% your responsibility to get it checked and worked out. It’s your health we’re talking about, so you have to take responsibility for it.

Fault, but No Responsibility

This method gets us into the Complain and Blame territory. It’s your fault, but you don’t take an ounce of responsibility for it. In order to escape responsibility, you blame the cause of that problem on someone or something else. Excuses are made to get out of responsibility. It may entirely be the case that you poisoned the old lady across the street as a vengeful counter to her constant smiling and waving at you in the morning. But if you don’t take the consequences or continue to shift the blame onto someone else or something else, you’re avoiding the responsibility. It’s the chicken’s way out.

No Fault and No Responsibility

This is a common conception, that if you weren’t part of it, it’s not your responsibility. Who cares if your friend’s TV fell off of it’s wall mount. It’s not your responsibility to fix it or pay for a new TV after it’s shattered to the floor. It’s their problem. This isn’t to say that’s right or wrong.

Reconciling Fault and Responsibility

So how do we reconcile this? What do we do when we’re confused between Fault and Responsibility?

Focus on responsibility. Be responsible for the things that you are responsible for, whether it’s your fault or not. There are a few things that are your responsibility no matter who you are or what you do. They are health, wealth, confidence, social life, and passion, the main topics within this website.

Other movies

Movies and tv I’ve watched

  • Spongebob, out of water, meh and alright. Soongebob was a little more annoying this time around. I felt the same frustration as Keanu reeves. Some jokes were funny, but overall meh.
  • Falcon and Winter Soldier s1e1. It was a nice action episode but overall I’m not invested at all. Falcon isn’t that likable for me I guess, especially with how he treats his sister. So that’ll be a meh from me too
  • Wandavision: entire series. Wasn’t a bad tv show. Skipped around the first two episodes cuz I wasn’t trying to watch no sitcom. It gets more interesting as the episodes progress. Wanda’s a crazy lady that was so powerful that she didn’t get any consequences. I didn’t like agent Rambo for her over eagerness to support Wanda and hardheaded not seeming to think things through ideas like going into the hex again. She really thought she could just talk to Wanda? No. And that line in the end really bothered me. “They’ll never know what you’d sacrificed for them.” Like ugh. Seriously? Enslaving a town for that? Agatha was a great twist, and I didn’t see that coming at all. I love Jimmy Woo for his stability, rationality, empathy, and he’s just a rock. Darcy is cute, in a scary in your face type way. I was never a fan of vision. I get him a little bit more after watching this, but I wouldn’t say I like him now. Hayward was made to be too evil for what the situation called for, in my opinion, but I do see the justification in how he experienced the blip. I think seeing how they handle the blip is the most interesting aspect of the series, okay maybe not but it’s a little interesting. I just can’t stop remembering the end scene where everyone is lookin at Wanda with such evil hate. You know some of them are going to turn evil and become villains for their revenge right?overall, it was alright.
  • the phenomenon and ancient aliens. Proof of aliens and shit. It was alright, but I don’t think it pulled me to any other way. It was over hyped by media I think and so I was just like whatever shoulder shrug. Enjoyed the film and tv show. The phenomenon gives testimonials from high ranking officials about seeing something extraordinary and out of this world, in the shape of a tic tac pod shit in the ocean. It’s pretty wild how it was able to escape the radar and stuff. Then in ancient aliens we had things about the keyhole shape and the various structures that had that shape and then solomons ring that had the power to control demons and stuff too. It was wild.

DC Animated Movies

Here are the movies I’ve watched recently. Spoiler warning for the following series:

  • Justice League Dark, Apokolips War
  • Justice League Doom
  • Justice League vs the Fatal Five
  • Batman Assault on Arkam
  • Batman Gotham Knights
  • Batman, Soul of the Dragon
  • Batman Ninja
  • Batman vs Ninja Turtles

I had downloaded a movie watching app that was so lit and convenient that I binged super hard on them. I really enjoyed them, but it cut deep into my productivity time. That’s why after this post. I’m deleting the app entirely.

They were all really fun and awesome to watch. I want to talk about some of my favorite movies.

Batman vs Ninja Turtles

This was probably the most enjoyable movie on this list. It was an extremely fun combo of both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman. Plot revolves around two iconic and similar villains, Shredder and Raj al Ghoul. Both ninja oriented and with crazy minions following them, their tag team was an incredible. It’s been fun. The movie also makes a great point that Gotham City is really similar to New York City. The characters are so themselves, and their positive traits are so well attended to in the movie. The turtles are freakin teenagers and I fucking love that. They love pizza. They’re impulsive. They want to be doing shit and be recognized and all that beautiful stuff. And Batman is Batman, going toe to toe with the freaking Shredder. Hot fucking damn. I love the little balance between the two series. The serious and more mature tones of Batman really contrasts and compliment the rowdy and chaotic goodness of the ninja turtles. Give me more

I really thought the pacing was freaking phenomenal in this movie. It was hard to believe it was a 80 minute movie with so many things happening. I thoroughly enjoyed tagging along both sides, and it didn’t seem sloppy at all. Every scene was important and led to the next. The build up to the meet up, the reveal of the enemies, and all the more. It’s so crazy cuz just when you think it can’t get any more insane, the two main villains go to fucking Arkham Asylum to free and let all these fucking BATMAN villaiins get loose with some motherfucking ooze. I was at first confused that the ooze given would turn people into some mammal or animal like beast. Then it just made so much sense as it follows the mutated animal scene and stuff. It’s some wild stuff that made me go bonkers. and the creators did such a great job with the whole game, since the villains matched their animal counterpart. Like holy fuck. Scare crow as a crow was dope. Mr freeze as a polar bear was menacing and hilarious. Joker as a Kobra was ducking bonkers. I was like holy hell. The. To make things even more worse, we got joker venom involved. The joker venom combining with the ooze was such a sinister thing that I was absolutely floored.

The whole movie was a fun masterpiece, but I do have to say that the two of my favorite scenes are Batman moments. The first scene can be summed up in one word. Kowabunga. Dudes, the whole build up to that moment was fucking fantastic. We had Bruce working with the turtles and when the turtles started to do things on their own, Batman couldn’t handle it. He needed his control. But after a speech from Raphael, it got to Batman. It honestly got to me too, and I nearly cried seeing how close it relates to me. I keep messing up, but we learn. It’s so good.

And the next scene I really enjoyed was the last line of the film. It’s so unexpected and fun. Everybody come around for pizza, cuz if even Batman endorses it, it’s the shit.

I can’t recommend it enough. It’s an a series for sure.

Batman Gotham Knights

This isn’t one cohesive Batman story. This is a collection of stories, basically mini episodes of a series that talk about what goes on in Gotham, the mystery behind him, what people think of Batman and things of that nature. It’s the most memorable and unique story of this entire movie screen thing. I don’t know how they do it.

I fucking love the first story, as it gives a trophy vibe of multiple perspectives on who these kids think Batman is. The animation there was flawless, and I think it’s always such a fun story telling device. Batman just continues to shine so much. We see how good of a guy he is. We see how hurt he is, and how much his parents death has affected him for sure. We see how he goes through pain, and works through pain. I fell more in love with him after this movie, and I just was like. God fucking bless. Batman is the shit, y’all.

Anyways, the crazy thing about this whole movie is that each segment is animated in a different art style. It’s cool and then it gets anime, then it gets JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures weird, and then it’s just viewaful joe. It’s fucking bonkers and I love everything about it. It’s so unique and it really adds to the different dimensions and perspectives and takes that we get to see Batman in. You’d have to pay attention a bit to make sure you know who the characters are, since the designs change so dramatically, but it did not hinder my enjoyment at all.

Batman Ninja

okay, hear me out. This was weird, but I actually really really enjoyed it. Animation is fucking god beautiful. Masaajor kudos to the character designers because everything in terms of costume and mech and everything involving the characters were fantastic as fuck. Story was insane, and was weird at some points, but the joker fucking shines so hard in the movie. I LOVE how crazy and insane and psychotic and intelligent and calculating he is in this movie. It reminds us why Joker is the true crime prince of Gotham. He was the best in this movie. Batman was super cool, as usual, but it’s the joker that makes Batman fantastic I feel.

The story can get ridiculous, but I honestly don’t mind. Just suspend disbelief for a bit, and let the story take you on a fantastic adventure. It was such a cool movie. I’d hella watch it again.


these movies are fun and cool. I just didn’t think they were as great as the previously mentioned three.

Justice League Dark, apocalypse war was fucking fantastic because it’s a crazy fight against both darkseid and mind controlled Batman. Fucking bonkers man. They really went the full 180 and not only brought back the people of the justice league, but also kicked MAJOR ASS. Oh baby that was sexy as fuck. All those fights, all those action, and tests of spirit. Damn

Justice League Doom was fucking dope too. Vandal Savage was a character I didn’t really remember or thought too highly of until this movie. He became super interesting in this movie, seeing how his backstory explains a lot about him. It was really interesting how he took control of the old cave people after abandoning his tribe to lay by a rock and shit. It’s so crazy. anyways, the best part of the film was Batman’s contingency plans to defeat the justice league. They were so fucked yo that we know it only has to come from Batman. Anyone who got a hold of the plans was just wild man. Of course that’s crazy, but I think the ending played really well and justified everything. Great movie.

Batman, assault on Arkham was fucking fun too. Suicide squad looking fun and fine. Killer frost and Harley Quinn were pretty fine, and deadshot was super likable. The stakes of the movie were so real and tangible that it kept an intense feeling all around that just turned into excitement. It was minimum Batman and minimum joker, but they had just enough to make it entertaining, get crazy, and blow us out of the water. It was a fun movie that was not afraid to go boom on a few characters. This is just so wild. Good movie

Okay Movies

these were the Movies that were alright. I respect it, but it was alright.

Batman, soul of the dragon. Had an old 80s kung fu karate Asian type story that was fun and quirkey but real different. Plot was weird at times, but it was still enjoyable.

Justice league and the fatal five. Not a bad movie, but probably the worst of what I’ve seen. Martian girl and honey bae limelight were fun new additions that made the story so fresh and unique. I really liked that they were dealing with different issues and everything and were able to resolve it. The strange thing is the time travel aspect, which I think is really hard to do. I didn’t like starboy, and the villains were formidable (especially with their k owl edge of the past) but the future people were a bit off to me. Maybe it was just cuz I didn’t recognize them with their future ness being too much and foreign to me. Either way, not a bad movie.

South Park – The Covid/Vaccination Special

South Park usually is a pretty good show, but these specials weren’t as good as i wanted it to be. The Covid special and the vaccination special were a bit disappointing in my eyes. There were some good parts, but it was overall just alright.

The parts that did make me laugh was when Randy jizzed over the weed, and forced it on his wife’s cousin who was hospitalized from covid. The whole scenes revolving around randy being the cause of the COVID pandemic was hilarious, actually. Fucking the bat, when it turned out to be a pangolin despite people not knowing what a pangolin was was hilarious. The micky mouse thing was really funny too, but they really let mickey mouse go after the mousache thing.

I didn’t like the police brutality school prison plot. I’m not sure if it’s cuz I’ve watched South Park mostly pas their original political commentary and stuff, but I’m not sure how i feel about the episode. It didn’t strike me as clever. I didn’t like the doucheyness of Stan trying so hard to get Butterz a Build-a-Bear. I didn’t like the over exaggerated use of police on kids, which seems a bit overdone in my eyes.

The Vaccine special was a huge let down. At least the Pandemic special had some funny scenes in the beginning. The vaccine special was dealing with divorce things with Butterz, which was a little bit hilarious, but the messing with Miss Nelson and getting the vacine over to the teachers for the broship was to be desired. Cartman was especially douchey this episode, which is expected, but it was a little bit too weird in my tastes.

Overall, it was alright. I’d give the Covid special a 5/10 and the Vaccine special 4/10

Comfort Zone

Wanted to post a quick thought that’s been on my mind recently. The comfort zone is a tantalizing place. The Odyssey makes reference to Lotus Eaters who feeds off this plant that depletes all desires, will, and energy to do things. We gotta get out of it to get what we want.

Steven Kotler in his book, the Rise of Superman, says you don’t need to get out of the comfort zone too much. He says the optimal amount to push ourselves is 4 percent. Find 4% more challenge than skill, which basically means challenge yourself just a bit. Enough to get you really focused. Doesn’t have to be too out there. Even Mark Manson in Models makes reference to just getting out and getting used to the discomfort it takes, as long as it’s slow and consistent. That’s the long term way to do it.

Reading all of that reminded me of this fantastic meme/comic. I don’t remember the author/creator, but it strikes a chord.

Anyways, I also wanted to share these spongebob scenes that are basically the same thing, just less explicit. With all of this in mind, I find the absolute genius in this scene